The National Action Plan for Employment
The National Action Plan for Employment 2015 (NAPE) is a tool to support the acceleration of the recovery of the economy, the growth of employment and to improve the functioning of the labor market. This tool is implemented through actions to reduce unemployment, support business to increase demand for labor and training of personnel with the necessary qualifications. The activities in the Plan contribute to the realization of the goals and commitments of the country in implementation of the EU Strategy Europe 2020 and the measures included in the National Reform Programme 2014-2020, the National Development Programme: Bulgaria 2020, the government program, the tasks under the Updated employment strategy 2013 – 2020, the National plan for implementing the European youth guarantee 2014 - 2020, the National strategy for lifelong learning 2014 – 2020, and others.
The plan was developed by an interdepartmental working group with participation of social partners and is approved by the National Council for Promotion of Employment Framework with the main priorities and directions of action in 2015. It is agreed by Work group 13, the National Council for Promotion of Employment, and the National Council for tripartite cooperation and adopted by the Council of Ministers.
In connection with the National Action Plan for Employment, the Centre conducts courses in vocational training.
Centre for Human Resource Development and Regional Initiatives (CHRDRI) has developed and functioning internal system to ensure the quality of vocational training (VSOKPO). This system is a set of interrelated actions and measures to achieve, maintain and develop the quality of ongoing professional training and results in accordance with state educational requirements for acquiring qualification in professions for which VSOKPO is an integral part of the existing Rules of VTC. VSOKPO was built under terms set out in Decree № 2 of MES from 09.08.2015 on ensuring the quality of vocational education and training.