International Exchange of Best Practices

Expert Discussion Meeting to Exchange Experiences and Promote Good Practices in CSR

28.11.2016 - 15:05

Today, November 28, 2016, in CHRDRI began a two-day expert discussion meeting with international participation on "Perspectives for Development of Corporate Social Respon

International Seminar on "Legislative Provision of Social Economy"

06.06.2016 - 16:42

Today, June 2, 2016, in CHRDRI was launched an international seminar on "Legislative provision of social economy." I

International Seminar on Issues of Information Back-Up of Social Economoy

28.04.2016 - 13:39

Today, November 19, 2015, in CHRDRI was launched an international seminar on "Information back-up of social economy".

International Expert Meeting will Discuss Demographic Challenges in Southeastern Europe

28.04.2016 - 13:34

Today, 7 October 2015, in CHRDRI was launched a two-day international expert level preparatory meeting for the international conference on: “Facing the demographic challenges experienced by the SEE

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