General Information

Component 1: National virtual e-learning platform, part of Project П3 -C1. I3 Providing Training for Digital Skills and Creating a Platform for Adult Learning aims to expand access and provide higher quality learning, using the opportunities of digital technologies. The development and implementation of a virtual e-learning platform will provide flexible and accessible forms of learning such as online distance learning courses and e-resources for independent learning.

The component is in line with the Education and Skills Priority and the Social Inclusion Priority of the Bulgaria 2030 National Development Programme, the Lifelong Learning Strategy, as well as with one of the main priorities for enhancing the quality of the workforce set out in the draft of the Employment Strategy of Bulgaria for the period 2021 – 2030. The implementation of the component will contribute to the achievement of the indicator set in the National Programme Bulgaria 2030 for increasing the participation of the population (16-74) in education and training, as well as to the implementation of the country-specific recommendations to Bulgaria within the European Semester in 2019 and 2020 to take action to improve their employability by strengthening their skills, including the digital skills. The actions envisaged in the component will also contribute to the implementation of Goal 4 - Ensuring Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Promoting Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All from the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The implementation of the activities will also contribute to the implementation of the objectives of the National Program Digital Bulgaria 2025 and the strategic document Digital transformation of Bulgaria for the period 2020-2030, adopted by the Council of Ministers on July 21, 2020, Area of Impact 5 - Adaptation of the labor market - education, training and social protection.

The purpose and activities of the component are also in line with the European Strategic Documents – the European Skills Agenda, The European Education Area, the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027), etc.


The specific objectives of the Component are:

  1. Modernization of the forms, methods and tools for adult learning through the development and implementation of a virtual platform and the organization of online courses for adult persons and e-resources for independent learning.
  2. Fostering the access and quality of adult learning, incl. by building a network of digital clubs / Points of Access throughout the country, furnished with appropriate equipment and internet connectivity, available for free use; supporting the development of digital skills of teachers in training institutions to develop e-content training and conduct online training courses;
  3. Increasing the participation of the population (25-64 years) in lifelong learning and social inclusion by providing opportunities for remote learning in an e-learning environment;
  4. Development of digital skills of individuals through their participation in online training courses and use of electronic learning resources.


Further information:

Еqual opportunities for all individuals will be promoted with the Project П3 -C1. I3 Providing Training for Digital Skills and Creating a Platform for Adult Learning. The organization of the trainings will ensure equal participation of men and women, as well as non-discrimination on the basis of sex, race, ethnical origin, religion or belief, disability, age and sexual orientation. The project promotes training opportunities for women by improving the conditions for their socio-economic inclusion and employability.

The creation of a virtual platform and the implementation of trainings in digital competences also promotes equal opportunities for the most vulnerable groups in society for lifelong learning and acquiring skills that contribute to their integration. Acquiring basic digital skills directly relates to bridging social isolation and access to public products and services, as well as better inclusion and respective employment.