The National Employment Action Plan

The National Employment Action Plan is a mechanism for tuning the labor market towards sustainability, balance and better functioning.

For the implementation of the employment policy, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy develops programs and measures to ensure a reduction in the unemployment rate among disadvantaged groups on the labor market, to increase the supply of labor force by activating economically inactive people, to increase the quality of the workforce to meet the requirements at the work places, the digitalization and the new technologies.

The National Employment Action Plan is one of the mechanisms for implementation of the employment policy of the Republic of Bulgaria, where CHRDRI is directly involved, ensuring the accomplishment of some of its priorities by organizing courses for acquiring professional qualification and trainings for developing key skills for people over 16 years of age.

The National Employment Action Plan is developed on the basis of a number strategic and operational documents at national and European levels, such as the Employment Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria 2021 – 2030, the National Development Programme Bulgaria 2030, the Strategic Framework for the Development of Education, Training, and Learning in the Republic of Bulgaria (2021-2030), the Human Resources Development Program 2021 – 2027,  The National Recovery and Resilience Plan, the European Pillar of Social Rights, etc.


Role of CHRDRI

Through the integrated in its structure Vocational Training Center, CHRDRI provides conditions and carries out initial and continuous vocational training for acquiring professional qualification of persons over 16 years of age, thereby improving their chances for employment and their social inclusion by means of high quality of the trainings, refining the learning content, applying highly effective methods of education based on modern andragogic principles, including appropriate technical equipment, digital products and services as integral part of modern adult education.

Through funding from the National Employment Action Plan in 2024 CHRDRI and its Regional Directorates in Pazardzhik, Pleven, Smolyan and Stara Zagora, will carry out 68 courses for acquiring professional qualification, including trainings for acquiring qualification for part of a profession. The trainings are in the following professional fields – accounting and taxation, secretarial and administrative office activities, computer science and information technologies, food technologies, gardening, social work and consulting, hotel management, restaurant and catering, hairdressing and beauty services.